Open your cart to calculate shipping costs or to collect the materials from our warehouse.
The sample service is currently unavailable.
We suggest you look for samples directly in your area (faster and cheaper).
Alternatively, you can order the minimum quantity of each product and choose to collect it in our warehouses or have it shipped to your home.
We don't have any showroom, we ship the products all over the world directly from the warehouse of the factories.
Do you have a showroom?
Are the products sold by Dimora original?
Dimora is an official retailer of all brands available on our site. The products you have purchased come directly from the manufacturer and will be accompanied by instruction manuals, original packaging and serial numbers, if applicable.
Are the products 1st choice?
Dimora sell 1st choice products. You will be able to read this information on the packaging of every product you purchase.
Are the products sold by Dimora covered by a guarantee?
Any products you purchase are provided with a legal Guarantee of Conformity, in compliance with the law set in forth.
Can I order a sample?
No, it’s not possible to order samples because tiles are heavy materials for any courier and are only packaged for shipping on pallets.
Is the product available?
After your purchase we will check product availability with the manufacturer and process your order. If the product is not available, we will indicate alternative and available items, so that we can help you in the realization of your project. If you wish, you can independently check the availability of the item by contacting the manufacturer to check availability in stock.
Is the product discontinued?
If you are looking for a discontinued product and it can be purchased on our website, before ordering, contact the manufacturer to check stock availability. If it’s not available, write to us on the contacts page the name of the discontinued collection so we can remove it from our catalogue.